Your ability to pay does NOT determine your access to care.
Near North Health healthcare services are billed on a sliding scale.
Rates adjusted by income help us make sure Chicagoans who are uninsured, under-insured, or otherwise unable to afford standard healthcare fees always have access to the quality care they both need and deserve.
Please contact us at 312-337-1073 for help understanding your options.
Sliding Scale Fees
NNH’s Sliding Scale Fees are based on the size of your family and your household’s annual income. If you qualify, you’ll pay a reduced rate for most of our health services – and you may qualify even if you already have health insurance!
To find out if our Sliding Scale Fees can help your family cover costs, please download our Sliding Scale Fee PDF here.
How to Pay for Services
Near North Health accepts the following methods of payment for services:
Discount Sliding Fee Scale*
Discount Category A $30
Discount Category B 75% Discount
Discount Category C 50% Discount
Discount Category D 25% Discount
Discount Category E 10% Discount
* Discount determination is subject to income and household size in accordance with the current Federal Poverty Guidelines.
Opciónes de Pago
Escala gradual de descuentos*
Categoría de descuento A $30
Categoría de descuento B 75% de descuento
Categoría de descuento C 50% de descuento
Categoría de descuento D 25% de descuento
Categoría de descuento E 10% de descuento
* El cálculo del descuento está sujeto a la cantidad de las ingresos y al número de personas en el hogar, según las actuales Pautas Federales de Pobreza.